Facilitating Parental participation in the School
Student achievement is enhanced when parents are involved in their children’s education.
A positive relationships between staff, parents and the school community
From the PTA Chairman
Dear FGGC OYO Parents,
Our goal is to support a healthy and vibrant school community, promoting engagement and positive action with our teachers, parents and students.
To do so, we help fund key school programs, provide volunteer support for school activities, run a series of community events throughout the year, and encourage an open dialogue across the school.This website is an important element in our outreach effort. we hope to keep you up-to-date with everything that is happening at FGGC Oyo. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions, suggestions. (pta@fggcoyopta.org.ng)

Strong partnerships between parents and their children’s schools are integral for maximizing student success.
Become a FGGC OYO PTA Donor and be a steady supporter for all our children.
Membership Dues
Joining the PTA is a wonderful way to support all the great things the PTA does for our school and students. We have many events, programs, and exciting things planned and welcome all who wish to be a part of the Membership. The benefits of joining include ...